Membership FAQ
WHO is a part of the Fine Arts Boosters (FAB)?
- Parents just like you and other members of our community who are committed to excellence in arts education for our children join FAB.
WHAT does FAB do all year?
- FAB coordinates and provides volunteer and financial help for performances, competitions, exhibitions, and fundraisers as needed by Fine Arts teachers/classes.
WHEN does FAB meet?
- Meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM via Google Meet.. Teacher/student needs as well as upcoming events and performances are discussed. All FAB members and sponsors are welcome to attend. See Meetings.
HOW are FAB funds generated?
- Funds are generated through membership dues, the generous donations of corporate partners, and fundraisers. Each of the fine arts areas may also choose to do individual fundraisers to meet a specific group goal.
WHERE do FAB funds go?
- Funds go to Fine Arts programs. The FAB provides much-needed assistance in areas where government funding falls short. Each Fine Arts area receives allotted funds, which are used to support their programs/students. Expenditures made over the past several years have included: upgrade to the Theatre sound system, clay slab roller, digital piano, orchestra instruments, digital cameras, theatre/stage equipment, dance floor cover, art history slides, mobile art display boards, shrink-wrap machine and other supplies.
- FAB has also awarded scholarships to graduating seniors over the past several years.