Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019
Out of 2000 nominated High Schools, Green Hope Theatre was one of the 50 High Schools selected to perform a one-act show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2019!
Questions? Contact Mr. Gorski
Past Events
Mandatory Fringe Festival Interest Meeting for Parents of Freshmen/Sophomore Wednesday, 5/24, 6 PM - Chorus Room
Mr Gorski will be having Fringe Festival informational meeting on Wednesday, 5/24 in the Chorus Room from 6 to 6:20 PM. This meeting is for current freshmen and sophomores interested in participating in the Fringe Festival. Payment plan information and contracts will be distributed.
Be Part of the Fringe Festival
•COMMIT to go as either an Actor, Technician, or Supporting Participant for Green Hope Theatre!
•RAISE the money to go! Approximate cost of the trip is $7,000 per person.
•PREPARE our show over the course of the 2017-2018 school year and a few times during the Summer of 2018
•AUGUST 4 (ISH) 2019– leave for our 14 day trip to the Fringe!
•COMPLETE the Interest/Commitment Survey by Tuesday, April 18!
•RAISE the money to go! Approximate cost of the trip is $7,000 per person.
•PREPARE our show over the course of the 2017-2018 school year and a few times during the Summer of 2018
•AUGUST 4 (ISH) 2019– leave for our 14 day trip to the Fringe!
•COMPLETE the Interest/Commitment Survey by Tuesday, April 18!
PowerPoint Presentation
green_hope_fringe_powerpoint.pptx |
Informational Handout
handout_for_fringe.docx |
GH Theatre Video Portfolio