We Need Your Help! Donate Items for Our Spring Fundraiser!
This year, the Fine Arts Boosters are holding our major fundraiser in conjunction with the Spring musical, the Wizard of Oz! We will be selling raffle tickets for several themed baskets and we need your help filling the baskets.
Each Fine Arts class has chosen a theme for their class basket, which is listed below. We've included suggested items for the baskets if you'd like to go shopping or send your student shopping for items to donate, OR, if applicable, simply click on the link to the Amazon Wish List for your child's class to purchase an item from the wish list. Please have the Amazon Wish List items shipped to your home and have your student bring them in to their Fine Arts teacher. PLEASE ONLY SEND NEW ITEMS.
Thank you for your contribution, and for supporting the arts at Green Hope High School!
Each Fine Arts class has chosen a theme for their class basket, which is listed below. We've included suggested items for the baskets if you'd like to go shopping or send your student shopping for items to donate, OR, if applicable, simply click on the link to the Amazon Wish List for your child's class to purchase an item from the wish list. Please have the Amazon Wish List items shipped to your home and have your student bring them in to their Fine Arts teacher. PLEASE ONLY SEND NEW ITEMS.
Thank you for your contribution, and for supporting the arts at Green Hope High School!
>> Basket Items are Due to Your Student's Teacher on Wednesday, Feb 26th! <<
Chorus ClassesMixed Chorus: Baking Basket
Sorelle Sound: Spa/Self Care Basket
Voices of Hope: Chocolate Lovers Basket
Dance Department
Mixed Greens Basket
Drama Classes
The Drama Department is collectively sponsoring 1 large basket (if needed we will split it into 2)
Out to Lunch Basket
Orchestra Classes
Symphony: Family Night Basket
Chamber Ensemble: Food/Snacks Around the World Basket
Concert Orchestra: Movie/Streaming Basket
Visual Arts Classes
The Visual Arts Classes will raffle student artwork instead of themed baskets for the fundraiser. Parents interested in contributing are encouraged to donate items or gift cards for ANY of the above baskets. Thank you!